AIBench API *********** Here you can find a brief summary of how to interact with AIBench API to add special behavior or customizations to your application. Interacting with a framework API is normally done via hooks, which allow you to run code at specific points, as well as calls to the framework's core objects. API: Basic runtime objects ========================== You can get access to the Core and the Workbench, via the *Singleton* design pattern, and then, get access to the :ref:`Clipboard `, or the MainWindow, for example. You can read the JavaDocs docs for more details. .. code-block:: java Core theCore = Core.getInstance(); Clipboard theClipboard = Core.getInstance().getClipboard(); Workbench theWorkbench = Workbench.getInstance(); MainWindow theMainWindow = Workbench.getInstance().getMainWindow(); .. note:: If you want to use the Core and/or Workbench objects, **you must depend on** the Core or Workbench plugins (see :ref:`creating-plugin-dependencies`). Hooks ===== Plugin lifecycle ---------------- You can add a class to listen when AIBench starts and add custom behavior. You should implement a class extending ``PluginLifecycle`` class and put it in the :ref:`plugin.xml `. .. code-block:: xml myplugin MyPlugin 0.1 myplugin.Lifecycle Core Listeners -------------- You can listen to the main core events: - ``ClipboardListener``, which notifies you when a :ref:`Clipboard ` element is added or removed. - ``HistoryListener``, which notifies you when a history element was added (i.e.: an operation has been executed) or removed. - ``CoreListener``, which notifies you when some operation is enabled or disabled. Adding listeners is simple: .. code-block:: java Core.getInstance().addCoreListener( /* your CoreListener */ ); Core.getInstance().getClipboard() .addClipboardListener( /* your ClipboardListener */); Core.getInstance().getHistory() .addHistoryListener( /* your HistoryListener */); Workbench Listeners ------------------- You can listen to Workbench events by adding a ``WorkbenchListener`` to the Workbench. This will allow you to be notified when some view is shown, closed or hidden, as well as when some component is added or removed. Adding a listener to the Workbench is simple: .. code-block:: java Workbench.getInstance().addWorkbenchListener( /* your WorkbenchListener */ ); Examples ======== Invoke Operations programmatically ---------------------------------- In this example, we show how to interact with the ``Core`` to invoke an Operation. .. code-block:: java // the operation receives two files ParamSpec[] paramsSpec = new ParamSpec[] { new ParamSpec( "inputfile", File.class, new File(inputPdfPath), ParamSource.STRING_CONSTRUCTOR) , new ParamSpec( "outputfile", File.class, new File(outputPdfPath), ParamSource.STRING_CONSTRUCTOR) }; OperationDefinition op = Core.getInstance().getOperationById("operations.pdftotxt"); Core.getInstance().executeOperation(op, null, paramsSpec); This will launch the operation in background (asynchronously). If you want to synchronize your calling code with the operation completion, you can use an ``ProgressHandler`` to be notified when the operation finishes. .. code-block:: java // the operation receives two files ParamSpec[] paramsSpec = new ParamSpec[] { new ParamSpec( "inputfile", File.class, new File(inputPdfPath), ParamSource.STRING_CONSTRUCTOR) , new ParamSpec( "outputfile", File.class, new File(outputPdfPath), ParamSource.STRING_CONSTRUCTOR) }; OperationDefinition op = Core.getInstance().getOperationById("operations.pdftotxt"); final Object lockingObject = new Object(); final List theResults = new ArrayList(); ProgressHandler handler = new ProgressHandler(){ public void validationError(Throwable t){} public void operationStart(Object progressBean, Object operationID){} public void operationError(Throwable t){} public void operationFinished(List results, List clipboardItems){ theResults.addAll(results); synchronized(lockingObject){ lockingObject.notify(); } } }; synchronized(lockingObject){ Core.getInstance().executeOperation(op, handler, paramsSpec); try{ lockingObject.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ } } Clipboard-based enabling/disabling operations --------------------------------------------- Here it is a ``ClipboardListener`` to enable/disable operations based on the presence of objects of a given class in the :ref:`Clipboard `. First, we will disable by default the operation which needs that a specific object be available in the :ref:`Clipboard `. .. code-block:: java @Operation(name="operation", enabled=false) Then, we create the ``ClipboardListener``: .. code-block:: java class ClipboardBasedOperationActivator implements ClipboardListener { private HashMap> operationRequirements = new HashMap>(); public void addRequirement(String uid, Class c) { HashSet reqs = operationRequirements.get(uid); if (reqs == null){ reqs = new HashSet(); operationRequirements.put(uid, reqs); } reqs.add(c); } private void processClipboard() { for (String uid: operationRequirements.keySet()) { boolean requirementsSatisfied = true; for (Class c: operationRequirements.get(uid)) { if (Core.getInstance().getClipboard().getItemsByClass(c).size()==0) { requirementsSatisfied = false; break; } } if (requirementsSatisfied) { Core.getInstance().enableOperation(uid); } else { Core.getInstance().disableOperation(uid); } } } public void elementAdded(ClipboardItem arg0) { processClipboard(); } public void elementRemoved(ClipboardItem arg0) { processClipboard(); } } Finally, in order to start listening to :ref:`Clipboard ` events form the begining, we should then create and plug a ``PluginLifecycle``: .. code-block:: xml mypackage.Lifecycle .. code-block:: java package mypackage; // imports public class Lifecycle extends PluginLifecycle { public void start() { ClipboardBasedOperationActivator activator = new ClipboardBasedOperationActivator(); // configure the requirements // require that an instance of MyDataType must be in the clipboard // in order to enable the "" activator.addRequirent("", MyDataType.class); Core.getInstance().getClipboard().addClipboardListener(activator); } }