Architecture of AIBench *********************** The next figure shows an overview of the AIBench framework. The green zone indicates that the :ref:`Operations ` programmer role (which is the regular user of the framework) has to develop his own :ref:`Operations `, :ref:`Datatypes ` and :ref:`Views `. The red zone shows that the core programmer role maintains the Core and the Workbench (detailed later). Normally, you will program your application acting as an :ref:`Operations ` programmer. .. figure:: images/architecture.png :align: center In summary, the :ref:`Operations ` programmer builds this type of artifacts: - **Operations**. The units of logic (see :ref:`creating-operations`). - **Datatypes**. Normal Java classes used as input and output of the Operations (see :ref:`creating-operations`). - **Views**. Classes that inherits from ``JComponent`` and are used to display the Datatypes inside the Workbench (see :ref:`creating-views`). .. _plugins-architecture: Plugin-based architecture ========================= AIBench uses a **plugin engine** to provide advanced capabilities, such as dynamic discovering and loading of your :ref:`Operations ` at the application startup. You need to know the basics of this engine in order to develop applications with AIBench. Concretely, what you need about AIBench plugins is: - A plugin is a set of classes, isolated (by default) from the rest classes belonging to other plugins. - A plugin can define extension points (the yellow circles in the figure). An extension point is a place where other plugins can be connected to and then discovered and used at run-time. Optionally, an extension point could establish a Java interface that must be implemented by the plugins connected to it. - A plugin can use the classes from other plugin only if a **dependency** from the first to the second has been defined. AIBench is based on plugins. Not only AIBench-based applications are structured on plugins (see :doc:`multiplugin`), but also the internals of the framework. There are two main built-in plugins: - ``Core`` plugin. Registers your operations, executes them upon user requests, and collects their results. Inside this plugin, the :ref:`Clipboard ` keeps track of all generated results, and the *History* saves all the operations that have been executed in order to repeat all the session in the future. - ``Workbench`` plugin. Implements User Interface for AIBench applications using Java Swing. Its main responsibility is to display operations in menus, retrieve user parameters via **automatically-generated** dialogs, displays the :ref:`Clipboard ` and *History* contents and brings-up :ref:`Views ` of data when user requests it. These two plugins are communicated internally by an extension point (the top one in the last figure), but this is out of the scope of this document. Also, the ``Core`` plugin implements the extensible AIBench Operation Model by the definition of an extension point called ``AIBench.core.operation-definition``. In order to add Operations to AIBench, you have to put them in a plugin and connect it to this extension point. There is not any required interface to implement. The ``Workbench`` plugin implements the Workbench user interface and also defines an extension point called ``AIBench.core.workbench.view``. To register a view component associated with a :ref:`Datatype `, you have to put your component in a plugin and connect it to this extension point. There is not any required interface to implement. The user :ref:`Datatypes ` have to be placed inside a plugin, but this plugin doesn't need to be connected to any extension point. (Please note that if some of your Operations use these :ref:`Datatypes ` and reside in other plugins, they must depend on this plugin). You can take advantage of this plugin architecture for your applications. See :doc:`multiplugin`. .. _the-plugin-xml-file: The ``plugin.xml`` file ======================= The connection and dependency between plugins is made through the ``plugin.xml`` file present in every plugin (located at ``src/main/resources``). Here is an example of a ``plugin.xml`` file. .. code-block:: xml geneCBR.preprocessing.dfp GeneCBR's DFP 1.0.0 In the example, you can see that: - The plugin has an unique identifier (uid), that is useful to reference this plugin from others. - The plugin defines its dependencies on others with the and tags. - The plugin is connected to extension points using the and tags. .. note:: Where is the ``plugin.xml`` file? It is located in ``src/main/resources`` folder. .. _aibench-application-directory: AIBench application directory ============================= Once you :ref:`build your application `, a directory structure is created inside ``target/dist``: .. code-block:: console . ├── conf │   ├── aibench.conf │   ├── core.conf │   ├── log4jconfig │   ├── pluginmanager.conf │   ├── plugins.conf │   ├── template.xml │   └── workbench.conf ├── lib │   ├── aibench-aibench-2.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar │   ├── javatar-2.5.jar │   ├── jhall-2.0.jar │   └── log4j-1.2.12.jar ├── plugins_bin │   ├── aibench-core-[version].jar │   ├── aibench-pluginmanager-[version].jar │   ├── aibench-shell-[version].jar │   ├── aibench-workbench-[version].jar │   └── my-aibench-application │   ├── es │   │   └── uvigo │   │   └── ei │   │   └── sing │   │   └── Sum.class │   └── plugin.xml ├── run.bat └── This structure is composed of the following items: - ``conf`` directory. The :ref:`configuration files `. The come from the ``src/main/global-resources/conf`` :ref:`source directory `. - ``lib`` directory. AIBench Core-libraries. - ``plugins_bin``. Plugins conforming the application. The plugins coming from another project appear as ``.jar`` files. - The plugin of the current project appears as a directory (in the example ``my-aibench-application``). Inside this plugin goes the compiled Java code, as well as plugin resources, coming from the ``src/main/java`` and ``src/main/resources`` :ref:`source directories `. - Launch scripts (``run.bat`` and ````), coming from the ``src/main/global-resources`` :ref:`source directory `.