Managing plugins at runtime *************************** AIBench allows you to enable/disable plugins, as well as to give updates to your application remotely via the ``Plugin Manager`` plugin. Basically, you have to provide HTTP access to updated versions of the plugins your application is composed of. First of all, the ``src/main/resources/conf/plugins.conf`` file, all The file is used, by now, to enable/disable plugins .. code-block:: jproperties The `PluginManager` plugin ========================== This plugin adds a new panel in the Workbench's bottom zone to bring an Plugin Information Panel which: - Shows the current available plugins, their version, and their state (disabled/enabled). - Allows the user to enable/disable current installed plugins, by changing their option in the ``plugins.conf``. Changes only will take effect after AIBench restarts. - Allows a quick plugin update and missing dependency plugins install. - Allows the user to manage a plugin repository to download. The user can change the repository url and can view the plugins stored through a Plugin Repository Dialog. The Plugin Repository Dialog informs about which plugins can be installed or updated. When the plugin is downloaded/updated, AIBench should be restarted. When the user searches for a new plugin, AIBench connects and lists the available plugins from the repository showing something like: +----------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------------+ |Plugin name/Dependency|Installed Version|Repository Version|Required Version|Download | +======================+=================+==================+================+=======================+ |New plugin | 1.5 | 2.0 | | [Update - Version 2.0]| +----------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | aplugin(1.1+) | 1.4 | none | 1.4| | +----------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | bplugin(1.2) | none | 1.2 | 1.2|[Install - Version 1.2]| +----------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------------+ | New plugin 2 | none | 1.0 | |[Install - Version 1.0]| +----------------------+-----------------+------------------+----------------+-----------------------+ - The PluginManager checks the dependencies between the plugins to warn the user about inconsistencies or incompatibilities when a plugin is disabled or when a plugins is updated/installed. Setting up and configure your remote plugin repository ====================================================== You will be able to create a web server with new or updated plugins (repository). A repository should: - Be available via HTTP. The URL of the store and the repository metadata file can be configured in the ``src/main/resources/conf/pluginmanager.conf``. .. code-block:: jproperties # URL of the repository. # File containing the repository metadata. pluginrepository.infofile=plugins.dat # Directory where the plugins are downloaded before being installed. plugininstaller.dir=plugins_install - The server should declare a metadata file with available plugins information, i.e.: .. code-block:: jproperties # The plugin UID. plugin1.uid=myplugin # The name of the plugin. plugin # The version of the plugin stored in the repository. plugin1.version=1.1 # The plugins needed by the plugin (dependencies). - Optional plugin1.needs=pluginA[1.5+];pluginB[1.7] # The file containing the plugin files. # May be in .zip, .jar, .tar or .tar.gz format. # The md5 of the file. Allows client-side validation of the downloaded # files. - Optional plugin1.md5=1a2b3c4d5e6f7890 plugin2.uid=myotherplugin other plugin plugin2.version=1.5 - The client is responsible to check the current AIBench meets the dependencies.