
AIBench uses Maven to build itself, as well as to build applications with AIBench. We also provide you with a Maven archetype for AIBench applications. This archetype allows you to create both a regular AIBench plugin or an AIBench runnable application.


Each AIBench plugin is developed as an independent Maven artifact (or project, if you like). In this sense, you can only develop only one plugin per project. If your application is composed of more than one plugin, you have to create several projects (see Creating multi-plugin AIBench applications). Each project is, at the same time, a runnable AIBench application running all plugins the project depends on.

The important Maven phases during the build lifecycle are:

  • compile: which creates a runnable application in the /target folder (you will se the there).
  • package: which will also create a .jar file with the plugin you are developing with this Maven project. You can use directly this plugin in other AIBench projects. If those projects are also Maven-based, you can run the install phase (recommended).
  • install: makes available this plugin for the rest of Maven-based AIBench projects in your computer.

Create an AIBench application using the Maven archetype

You have to run the following command:

mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=es.uvigo.ei.sing \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=aibench-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=2.5.1-SNAPSHOT  \
-DgroupId=es.uvigo.ei.sing \
-DinteractiveMode=false \

This will create the new application under the folder my-aibench-application. You can select the version of the archetype in -DarchetypeVersion. The version of the archetype also corresponds to the AIBench version.

Alternatively, if you want to create an AIBench application using the latest source code version of AIBench, you have to download and build the latest version of AIBench.

git clone
cd aibench-project
mvn install
cd ..

Now you have to see what is the last version of AIBench you have downloaded. You can see it in aibench-project/pom.xml inside the version tag.

Finally, you have to issue the next command to create your AIBench application:

mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=es.uvigo.ei.sing \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=aibench-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=[put-here-the-aibench-version-you-downloaded] \
-DgroupId=es.uvigo.ei.sing \
-DartifactId=my-aibench-application \

Build the AIBench application

You have only perform:

mvn compile

Inside the /target directory you will find the entire AIBench application.

In order to package your plugin in order to place it in other AIBench applications, you have to:

mvn package

Inside the /target directory you will find a .jar with your plugin.

If you want to develop another AIBench application with Maven and which depends on your plugin, run:

mvn install

You will be able to add your plugin as a dependency in another Maven-based AIBench projects as is explained later.

Using the pom.xml

Managing dependencies

In AIBench there are three types of dependencies:

  • AIBench Core-libraries (for example, the plugin engine of AIBench), which are placed under /lib directory in an AIBench application.
  • AIBench basic plugins, needed by you application (for example, Core, Workbench, other plugins developed by you or by third-party developers, etc.), which are placed under the /plugins_bin directory.
  • Third-party Libraries needed by your plugin, which are placed inside your plugin (inside your jar).

All of these dependencies are managed as regular dependencies in Maven, however, you have to also indicate the type of dependency in two special properties inside the pom.xml of your plugin:

  • The aibench.lib.artifactsIds is a comma-separated list (avoid spaces!) of AIBench Core-libraries (normally, you will not change this).
  • The aibench.plugins.artifactsIds is a comma-separated list (avoid spaces!) of other AIBench plugins that you need in your application, so they will be placed inside plugins_bin (see also Creating multi-plugin AIBench applications).

The rest of dependencies, not listed in these two lists, will be placed inside of your plugin.

Using Eclipse with m2e

There is an issue with m2e in order to interpret the pom.xml of our archetype.

You have to:

  1. Ignore the errors with the ‘executions’ nodes in the pom.xml, as Eclipse quick-fix suggests.
  2. Run maven compile (using Eclipse if you want), for the first time you create the project and everytime you change your dependencies. This will create the /target/lib and the /target/plugins_bin directory with all the needed jar files. Update your project (F5) in order to see these changes.
  3. In order to run/debug application, you have to create the following Java Run Configuration.
    1. Set the es.uvigo.ei.aibench.Launcher as Main class.
    2. Set “plugins_bin” as Program argument.
    3. Remove every entry in the User Entries classpath.
    4. Add all the Jars inside the /target/lib directory to the User Entries classpath.
    5. Set the Working directory to ${workspace_loc:youraibenchapplication/target}